Firstly, he became rideable. Well not properly, he was a total arse for my friend and bucked her off twice before he settled down enough to plod around for her. And to even get to that point I had to chase him mercilessly on the lunge to expunge all his energy. I still feel super, super guilty about that because I keep going back to his bow and this niggling thought that all this circle work is so bad for it. But you know, I can't do straight line work if I can't sit on him. He is a really nice ride once he's quiet though, so there's hope if we can end his dangerous streak. And it was good for my nerve to get on him and feel safe too. Not to mention good for his over inflated ego about being the boss.
All saddled up and looking smart
My friend sorting him out
Me having a ride
On lunging: he's a bit fuzzy on it really. He understands 'trot on' and sometimes agrees to 'walk on', but not often. He seems to be of the opinion that he should just immediately trot (especially when going clockwise) as that is what we'll be doing shortly anyway. And this is truly a fine sentiment, and I'm pleased he gets 'trot on', but other things are important too. Like, he wouldn't even move going clockwise on Sunday, that took some mighty convincing. I'm using commands along with the whip so that eventually my voice will be all he needs, but he's not making it an easy job, and to be honest, the lack of consistency isn't helping the situation. Another thing he's bad at is stopping, we're working on that and cantering!! He canters for a quarter to half a circuit then just stops. Like properly halts and turns to face me. I think this is a matter of unbalance and again, lack of consistency of training and will be improved in time. We had an okay half hour session on the Sunday just gone. His anti-clockwise work is basically very good, clockwise not so much. Practice, practice, practice.
His weight is also really good at the moment, I'm so happy with him! It's gotten to the point where his feed is being cut back so he doesn't get too big. I cannot express how pleased I am about that.
I also had an equine myotherapist come out to look at him on Sunday to see if his rodeo problem was muscular. He crossed off hind leg as he walked a little and carried his tail slightly off side - classic signs of pain so the EMT went over him and found his tender spots and he was a very, very good sport about the whole experience. He was good for nearly an hour before the annoyed tail swishing gave way to annoyed raspberries (he was so, so annoyed, but he was so cute!!! I just laughed at him.). And despite being very macho TB about the whole experience - 'Enjoy this? Never.' - I saw his top lip twitching. He's such a funny man. He moved much more freely after the massage so I know it's done him good, I'm just yet to see if it'll have helped his rodeo performances.
Sometimes, I just want things in my life to go right.